
What is AKS finance business model?

How investors can get involved?

Why it’s time to invest in Canadian real estate mortgage market?

We use pooled funds from investors for funding by giving preferred shares in our company and investor returns are based on the average interest income from second mortgage-pooled residential properties after deducting management fees and taxes.

Based on the current macroeconomic outlook dominated by inflation and slowing growth as well as long-term debt cycles which work over the span of 100 years, we are convinced we may be headed into a major financial market upheaval soon. Hence, it is highly recommended to diversify into assets which need to have the least amount of correlation with equity markets.

Canadian second mortgages provide a very attractive option for diversification as currently real estate market itself does not offer real risk-free returns above US treasuries. By actively managing loans we choose to fund we hope to keep any likelihood of default to a minimum and by controlling the loan to value of equity minimize any loss of principal amount.However, our conservative approach to investing should yield even better returns for investors if a loan collateral must be liquidated eventually as described in the investor agreement. There is expected to be a secular tailwind of appreciation of the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar weakening over the next 1-3 years which will also increase the returns of invested capital.

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